Picma is a cozy picture logic game featuring over 100,000 community curated puzzles distributed across 3 different puzzle types.

◈ Features
Much more than Nonograms
Find your favorite picture logic game from our selection of three puzzle types (more coming soon).
Quality despite quantity
Our user content is curated by the community and only a fraction of the submitted images become puzzles.
True logic puzzles
Every puzzle is machine-verified to have a single logical solution.
Massive puzzles
Our puzzles range from the tiny 5x5 all the way to the gigantic 50x50.
Actual multi-color puzzles
What you solve is what you get, with up to 8 colors per puzzle.
Cross-platform saves
Your Coins, Tickets and completed puzzles are synced across devices and platforms.

Play for free daily
Create and rate images to earn Coins and play at no cost.

No nickel & dimming
Only pay for puzzle content, not hints or “lives”.

Friendly subscriptions
Monthly Tickets are like a subscription but better. Learn more in-game!
◈ Roadmap
Picma is in active development. These are just some of the features we will be adding to the game over time!
Mosaic puzzles
New puzzle section with extra-large images divided into many smaller puzzles.
Layered puzzles
New puzzle section where multiple puzzles are layered to form a single image.
More color palettes
New color combinations in the editor will add an extra splash of color to puzzles while maintaining the color count.
New puzzle types
Our next picture logic puzzle might just be your favorite.
Are we missing any essential features? Let us know!

◈ Get in touch!
Found a bug? Got a suggestion? You can always get in touch with us at support@picture-enigmas.com
We're a tiny indie team (and by tiny we mean there's two of us) but we'll always do our best to answer quickly!
Keep an eye on news and updates by joining our mailing list, the Moonberry Post!